Dog Chaining is Cruel and Primitive
We forged ahead with the Croatia Free of Dog Chaining campaign emphasising that people should not get a dog if they intend to keep it on a chain. Our educational billboards contained messages against this unacceptable and atrocious practice, calling those who tether dogs cruel and primitive.
13. Veggie Fair

We invited gourmets as well as healthy food and sustainable living fans to the 13th Veggie Fair. Involving the largest number of exhibitors so far, Europe Square turned green with businesses presenting their fully plant-based products and vegan cruelty-free cosmetics. Fair’s educational activities offered information on vegan food as an effective ally in the fight against obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and how it helps save animal lives and the environment.
International Day for Biological Diversity

We marked the International Day for Biological Diversity by inviting the public to join our “Join the Scheme” plan, or the solution, by opting for vegan ingredients in their diet. According to a WWF report, vertebrate populations have decreased on average by 69% since 1970. This drop has been caused by habitat destruction, excessive resource exploitation, and climate change, all related to breeding animals for food production.
Feral Cat Spay Day

On Feral Cat Spay Day we sent a letter to city councils and municipalities appealing for active implementation of the Trap-Spay-Release programme. There are multiple examples of the practice implemented worldwide, evidencing the success and necessity of such programmes. Even in Croatia, many city councils and municipalities regularly spay feral cats following the same method.
Elections and “Vote for Animals”

In the run up to the European Parliament elections, we sent letters to all Croatian political parties and EP candidates asking them to sign A Promise to Animals. The appeal’s objective was to encourage the candidates to join in the initiatives for better animal welfare in society. Read here about our demands.
Bullfights as an Embarrassment

Bullfights in Radošić, which resulted in one bull injuring a person, and another bull breaking through the safety barrier and escaping, are indicative of the Croatian “culture” that belongs to a past era. We strongly condemned any form of bullfighting and any use of animals for fighting. Bulls’ behaviour in Radošić was an unsurprising reaction to mistreatment they are subjected to, and which must end immediately.
The Law Allows for no Exceptions, Log Pulling is Illegal

Despite multiple complaints filed and a protest organised in front of the State Inspectorate building, another log pulling event has taken place in Lonjsko polje. Unfortunately, neither this one went without an incident – one of the visitors, who had overheard a conversation about horses being drugged prior the competition, was verbally attacked by several members of the organising body. Veterinary and market inspection continue to ignore our complaints and warnings about the illegality of log pulling competitions as supported by Boris Bakota, BSc, Full Professor at Osijek Law School.
Dog Accidentally Hangs Itself in Split

In late March, Croatia was shocked by the news of a Split psychiatrist’s upkeep and abuse of over sixty dogs and two wolves in a hidden location for the purpose of dog fights. We initiated a meeting with the competent bodies and other relevant parties, agreeing urgent construction of temporary accommodation for the dogs with June 15 as the date of relocation of the animals to the new shelter. Not only is the relocation not yet in sight, but one of the animals was found accidentally hanged as the inspection authorities had not yet ordered the removal of dangerous objects or rubble from the site nor placed adequate weather protection for the animals. We ask you to write to the Split City Council demanding an immediate construction and registration of a proper animal shelter necessary to save the dogs since the temporary accommodation has obviously fallen short of their needs.
Horse Abuse in the Forest
We brought criminal charges against an unknown person who overloaded and abused horses in the village of Podgarić. A witness contacted us citing shocking images of a young man forcing horses to carry wood trunks, an illegal practice, with the loads being so heavy as to prevent them from moving. One of the horses collapsed under the weight, while the other’s load was so excessive that it could not move at all, prompting the young man to whip it with a tree branch.
Flash news
- We wrote an article on money making on tourists for taking photos with wild animals, as well as on what we are doing about it and how you can help.
- We gave an interview at on veganism and biodiversity.
- We filed a complaint against a state employee – a veterinary inspector and action he took in relation to a previously submitted complaint.
- We thanked the Zagreb City Council for displaying educational posters on crows.
- We marked Ban Live Exports Day.
- We revisited the Respect the Marine Life campaign.
Despite great effort and numerous results, we cannot continue our work for animals without your continuous financial assistance. Support us with a standing order, donation and payment of the annual membership fee. Even a few kunas a month can mean a lot to us. Thank you all!
Your Animal Friends
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