AnimaList No. 76
‘A vegetarian lifestyle is no longer stigmatized and the scientific community has an ever stronger appreciation of its important role in the prevention of chronic ailments, which is a shift in paradigm with respect to the previous way of thinking.’ – Dr. Zvonimir Satalic, the Faculty of Nutrition and Biotechnology in Zagreb
Spay/Neuter Against Suffering and Death of Animals
In collaboration with the veterinary association Didona we held a street action on August 27 on KingTomislav Square in Zagreb in order to inform Zabreb’s people about the necessity of spaying/neutering of companion animals. Dogs from the Shelter for abandoned animals in Dumovec also joined the action, we repeated while a similar action on August 28 on Korzo in Rijeka. Castrations for cheaper prices are possible in Zagreb and Rijeka for our members who paid their membership fee for 2010.
Fish are not Swimming Vegetables
Our undressed and in fishing nets entangled activists performed on September 2 on Narodni trg in Zadar. With this performance they wanted to bring attention to the suffering of fish and the devastation of the seas. With it they sent a message that eating fish is not healthy and that a vegetarian and vegan diet should be considered a much better option. We had the same action in Novi Sad in collaboration with Animal Friends in Serbia.
Open-Air Veggie Cooking Workshop
In order to announce the ZeGeVege Festival of Sustainable Living, we held an open-air veggie cooking workshop on King Tomislav Square on September 10. Beside our info stall, at 11:00 A.M. started a free cooking workshop, where many interested visitors were able to watch the preparation of sweet and salty vegan dishes, taste them and ask whatever they wished to know about the vegetarian diet.
ZeGeVege Festival of Sustainable Living
For the third year in a row we organized the ZeGeVege Festival of Sustainable Living. This year it took place on September 17 on Ban Jelacic Square in Zagreb as part of the ‘Green Monday’ campaign. Not even the persistant rain could not stop about 40 eco and ethical exhibitors and numerous performers to support us in the organization of this festival, for which we thank all of them. The photo gallery from the festival can be viewed here and the official web site of the festival
– Because of the death of two deer and two antelopes who were in August transported from Zagreb to the Skopje zoo, we sent our reaction to the public and reported the transporting company Bero the veterinarian inspection.
– We sent we sent a demand for explanation to the veterinary inspection about what steps they took regarding the death of almost hundred cows who died from malnutrition on the pasture in Lonjsko polje near Sunja and whose dead bodies their owners left to putrefy on the pasture.
– We held an info stall as part of the concert in Regenerator club in Zabok on September 11. We also had a stall on the Mystic Fair on Zagreb Fair from September 22-26, as well as on September 25 on Ban Jelacic Square as part of the action ‘Adopting is Cool’.
– On the occasion of our ninth birthday, on September 11 we throw a party in the Internet club SublinK in Zagreb.
– Lady Gaga’s meat outfit was also the reason for our reaction. If this makes at least one person ask her- or himself where one’s meat is coming from and helps one realize that animals suffer because of it, it is the only good thing that came out of this whole story.
– Everyone interested in visiting the International Anti-repression Congress in Hamburg, Germany can find more information about it at
– From the news on our web site please check Eu Libre and their ‘Da un paso silenciozo’ in our Video Clips section, Pasji svit on the White List of Pet Stores, new book Eating Animals and new article ‘Piranhas in Peril‘.
– We also had many media statements about throwing of pups into a river in Bosnia.Also we supported a child play about ecology ‘Viktor puzEKOvic’ written by the Croatian celebrity Ines Bojanic. After the play, Vrecko (a bag monster) handed out leaflets about the danger of plastic bags to kids.
– We invite all animal friends, individuals, institutions and associations to along with World Vegetarian Day (October 1) also mark World Animal Day (October 4). And herewith we would like to announce our protest against animal transport on October 30.
– Please check our Calendar of Activities to be in the loop about our future activities and info stalls.
Thank you all for your kind support. Those who only recently found us and want to support us can do so by joining us and contributing their membership-fee to our organization, by volunteering or with a donation in kind, money or service. If you live in Croatia, you can also purchase from our web catalogue. Please join us and become a part of our Animal Friends team!
Animal Friends Croatia