AnimaList No. 73

‘I live responsibly towards myself and other beings on our planet. Above all, this means that I am careful about what I put into my body. I used to be a vegetarian, and now I am a vegan…’ – Anna Oxa, singer

Vegan Tasting in Osijek

On May 29 together with the NGO Victories we held info stalls with a tasting of plant-based cheese and cream and vegan recipes on Trg Slobode in Osijek.

VeggieFair in Zagreb

On the occasion of the World Environment Day in Zagreb we held a health food VeggieFair on which we presented ten exhibitors with plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, while the visitors could taste seitan, tofu, salamis, sausages, burgers, and vegan cookies. The petition for an introduction of vegetarian meals into public institutions also has been offered for signing on the fair.

Green Monday – a Day for Good Decisions

On World Environment Day and as a part of the VeggieFair we launched a long-term campaign in collaboration with the City of Zagreb called Green Monday in order to help people to at least one day in the week switch to a plant-based diet. On that occasion the mayor of Zagreb signed the Green Monday Declaration, which can be seen in Croatian at

Save the Oceans to Save the Planet

On the occasion of the World Whale and Dolphin Day on Sunday June 13 on the Zagreb lake Bundek we displayed an art installation showing the oceans as it once were and as it are today. Thus we warned of the extreme vulnerability of the sea and the ocean due to fishing of marine mammals and fish, and the necessity of presenting a clear position for the protection of whales.

Mandatory Microchipping of All Dogs

After many years of campaigning, we announce the microchipping of dogs now is obligatory for all dogs. The Rule Book of marking of dogs comes into force on June 19, 2010 and regulates the compulsory microchipping of all dogs by June 13, 2011.


– Vedran Romac held his last lecture ‘Can We Do Better? Or Rather, Do We Want to Do Better?’ from the cycle ‘Tales from the Plate’ on May 27 in the Cultural Information Center in Zagreb.

– By sending a report to the nature protection inspection and the Ministry of Agricult0ure, Fishery and Rural Development we demanded the closure of the improvised zoological garden in Zaton Obrovacki, commenting on the ethics of existence of prizoons in general.

– From the news on our web site please check the Network Against Animal Abandoning, the new article ‘Animal Suffering in Laboratories: A Failure to Care‘, updates in the article ‘How You Can Help‘ Eu Libre and Thomas D in the section Video Clips.

– We invite you to watch ‘The Cove’ – Academy Award-winning documentary about dolphins, which was introduced in Croatia by Lush and Restart. Lush and Restart launched together a line of specially made high-quality hand cream and body called ‘Lush Charity Pot’.

– The Indie band Superbrands is the first Croatian band that publicly spoke about the slaughter of seals in Canada and condemned the wearing of fur in the Croatian National Television Show ‘Garage.’ Last month they gave their exclusive interiew which can be seen in Croatian language on our YouTube channel.

– Our activists held an info stall on the Austrian VeganMania festival in Vienna on June 5. On June 12 we participated on the International vegetarian picnic in Slovenian Brezice and the Associations Fair on Zagreb’s lake Bundek on June 12 and 13.

– On June 12 we visited the Day of Neoculture in Badlican. The association The Art of Giving has created this event as an educational fair day on which it promoted the ideas, individuals and companies who promote ecology, healthy living, animal rights, nonviolence, social and gender equality and equality of species.

– We started with our regular summer info stalls on Wednesdays in Rijeka, on Korzo near the Kras store.

– As part of the campaign with the Croatian singer Bojan Jambrosic ‘Be Above Cruelty’ we visited the Zagreb Art Gymnasium and the Sports Gymnasium.

– As part of the Network Against Animal Abandoning activities we organized the visit of the head of Zadar and Velika Gorica to the Shelter for Abandoned Animals of the City of Zagreb in Dumovec.

– The action ‘Adopting is Cool’ will take place on June 19 on Ban Jelacic Square in Zagreb in the organization of the Shelter for Abandoned Animals. We will also have our info stall there.

– We invite those staying in Zagreb or those visiting that day, to the gathering of activists and members with the veggie barbecue on Bundek lake on June 22 starting at 10 A.M.

In order to continue with the same amount of enthusiasm and intensity with our activities during the hot summer months, we would ask for and count on your continued invaluable support. You can help us with your membership in our organization, by volunteering or with a donation in kind, money or service or if you live in Croatia you can purchase from our web catalogue.

Thank you!

Your Animal Fiends Croatia