AnimaList No. 63
‘If we can make vegetarianism, veganism, work on the road, you can make it work at home. All four members of Rise Against, none of us eat meat.’ – Tim McIlrath, Rise Against singer
Summer Vegetarian Tour
In order to bring attention to the deficiencies of the vegetarian offer for tourists, from August 11-13 this year we held a summer vegetarian tour. With vegetarian tastings we visited Zadar, Biograd, Sibenik, and Split. After the ending of ‘the Dalmatian tour,’ on August 20 we visited Porec where we organized another vegan tasting with the local association Dharma. The petition for the introduction of vegetarian meals into public institutions was also signed.
Design Against Fur 2009
In collaboration with the Fur Free Alliance and the Humane Society International we announced the winners of the annual European & International region of the Design Against Fur competition. This year too students from Croatia were successful with their artworks and were awarded with a Special Commendation (Andrej Radisic) and a Commendation (Andrija Saric). Awarded and commended advertising posters can be found on our web site or by clicking here.
News and Announcements
– Because of violations of Animal Protection Act, we reported pet stores Kokolo and Pet Centar from Zagreb to the veterinary inspection, demanding legal proceedings. We invited to the boycott of animal trade and appealed to buy only in stores which do not sell animals.
– Amongst other news on our web site you can also see the Streetlight Manifesto and Modest Mouse in the section Video Clips and the new Position of the American Dietetic Association. Do not forget to also check our other web projects.
– On August 15 we joined our colleagues from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the action against zoos, appealing to the citizens not to support animal captivity. On August 29 we were guests on the vegetarian fair in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
– We invite you to join us on the biggest event of the year, the ZeGeVege Festival, which will take on September 18, 2009 on Ban Jelacic Square in Zagreb. If you are by chance around this date in Zagreb, feel free to contact us if you want to help us in organizing it! If you want to participate as exhibitor, artist or with a workshop, please contact us to see if we still have free stalls.
– During September you can visit us at our info stalls on Wednesdays in Rijeka and on Saturdays in Zagreb. For more information about our future activities please visit our Calendar of Activities.
– You can support our work by paying your yearly membership fee or just sending us your kind donation.
– Do not forget: the summer heat is still on so please do not forget to leave bowls with waters for animals where they can reach them.
We thank you for reading us and see you soon on the ZeGeVege Festival!
Yours Animal Friends Croatia