AnimaList No. 61
‘Now that slavery and apartheid have been abolished I firmly believe that vivisection is the most evil and barbaric, unjust and unjustifiable practice on earth.’ – Vernon Coleman
Because No One Deserves That
On May 30 in the center of Vukovar, our ‘restrained’ activists with visible ‘wounds’ on their faces simbolicaly showed the helplessness and suffering of laboratory prisoners tortured and killed for profit. In addition to this performance, we set an information stall where we handed out informative leaflets and the latest ‘White List’ of companies which do not test their products on animals. The petition for the legal ban of experiments on primates was also signed on the stall.
VegeFair in Rijeka
On the occasion of World Environment Day on June 6 we held VegeFair in Rijeka. The aim of this fair was to make both residents and tourists acquainted with the offer and the advantages of healthy, meatless foods and food products such as seitan, tofu, salamis, sausages, burgers, and many other delicious foods.
Croatian Bans Keeping Dolphins in Captivity
After three years of campaigning for the legal ban on dolphin captivity, on June 19, 2009 the Croatian Ministry of Culture prohibited keeping dolphins, that is sea mammals from the cetacean family, in captivity. Welcoming this decision, on World Whale and Dolphin Day we had an info stall in Zagreb in order to introduce this important regulation to the public and invite the citizens not to visit dolphinariums and aquariums while travelling to the countries which still allow the dolphin captivity. On the same day in the Ministry of Culture our representatives gave a letter of thanks to the Minister Mr. Bozo Biskupic together with additional 11,000 signatures for the proclamation of permanent dolphin reserve at Mali Losinj…
Find Your Friend
Croatian singer Franka Batelic has become this year’s celebrity of our campaign ‘Family at the Seaside, Dog in the Street?‘. Her photo-session before the camera of Goran Matijasec at the Zagreb City Shelter for Abandoned Animals in Dumovec has sent a clear message that our responsibility for the animals does not stop with the holiday season. Posters designed by Viktor Drago will be set up in Zagreb and other Croatian cities. Several abandoned dogs – Lucky, Linda, Luka, Maza, and Horus – participated with Franka in the photo-session for the campaign called ‘Find Your Friend.’ The campaign has been sponsored by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Zagreb City Office for Agriculture and Forestry, Cro A Porter, Zale, Arto, Europlakat, P.I.O., Vectordesign, and Lotusgraf.
News and Announcements
– Since our organization is a member organization of the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, we invited the public to stop the construction of a primate breeding facility in Puerto Rico. More information together with the letter which you can send to the Puerto Rican authorities you can find on the ECEAE web site.
– Dalibor Petko, Croatian radio and TV host, has performed an act of mercy by adopting an older dog from the Shelter for abandoned animals in Dumovec, Zagreb. With this act he warned about the urgent situation regarding the adoption of animals in Croatia.
– From the news on our web site please check out the new videos Ark of Suffering and Open End in our Video Clips, the books Introduction to Animal Rights and Bad Hare Days, and new vegetarians and vegans in the section Famous Vegetarians.
– After Zagreb and Rijeka, the organized the projection the film ‘Meat the Truth‘ in Slavonski Brod, Vukovar and Vinkovci.
– Our YouTube channel has more than 30 films and at the moment it got over 100,000 hits. This was the reason to translate and upload the new film ‘A Life Connected’.
– On June 13 we organized a veggie barbecue on the Zagreb lake Bundek. We thank everybody who accepted our invitation.
– We invite you to visit us on our information stalls in Zagreb and Rijeka, and we also started organizing this year’s ZeGeVege festival which will take place in Zagreb on October 3.
– Some of the Croatian companies which support our work have donated their products as valuable prizes for members who paid their membership fees. Besides these prizes, all our members who paid their yearly membership fee will get their membercards. From this year, we also give donator cards to our donators.
Thank you for reading us, enjoy the summer and do not forget about animals while you are on vacation.
Your Animal Friends Croatia