AnimaList No. 59

‘I did see some mother seals killed and the pup fall out on deck still alive. (Deleted) told me to throw it overboard and I did. It crawled up on a pan of ice. The mother was full of milk, the milk ran out on deck when the pup fell out.’ – Sealer’s statement, taken by Cyril Furlong, Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Croatian Products Now with the V-Label

Just in time for the World Health Day, we announced the first Croatian companies that have obtained the right to use the V-Label in Croatia. This certificate marking vegetarian products has been granted to the brands Annapurna and Zrno, as well as to Zvijezda for its Omegol mayonnaise, which contains no ingredients of animal origin. The V-Label has also been granted to Cherry Blossom, a small hotel in Istria, as the first accommodation facility that offers exclusively vegetarian food.

From Eggshell to Gas Chamber

Before Easter we organized a frightful performance in order to warn consumers about the mass killings of male hatchlings as ‘unwanted products’ of the egg industry. On April 9 on Zagreb’s main square five of our activists painted in yellow under a huge Easter egg demonstrated the destiny of newly hatched male chicks who are killed on the very same day they come into this world. One short movie about the killing of hatchlings can be seen on our YouTube channel.

Bag Monsters Against Plastic Bags

On April 14 in Zadar our ‘bag monsters’ once again distributed leaflets and invited the citizens to sign the petition for banning plastic bags, which has collected more than 20,000 signatures so far. On the same day, a lecture was held in the Scientific Library of Zadar with the title ‘Connections between Animal Protection and the Environment.’

Don’t Abandon Me – Adopt Me

The next day, April 15, we organized an event in cooperation with the Municipal Administration of Biograd na Moru in order to draw public attention to the legal obligation of helping abandoned animals and to educate citizens about this problem.

Cotton Bags Instead of Plastic Ones

With the goal to encourage citizens to stop using plastic bags, together with the organizations ViGea we started an action of giving away hundreds of cotton bags. The event took place on Petar Preradovic Square on the occasion of the Cleanliness Day.

Meat Industry Causes Global Warming

On the occasion of Earth Day, April 22, we staged a symbolic representation of the impact of meat industry on global warming. During this action we handed out a leaflet produced together with Greenpeace and announced the film ‘Meat the Truth,’ which will be first shown on May 2 at KIC cinema in Zagreb.

In the light of Earth Day on the Eco market organized by Green Action on April 25 we prepared a tasting of vegan ‘eco-stew’ in order to bring the meatless nutrition as an ecologically more acceptable diet closer to the public.

Fried Behind Bars

We marked the World Day for Animals in Laboratories with a performance in Osijek in which one of our activists was caged and ‘fried with chemicals’ in order to show the skin irritancy test. The citizens of Osijek were also informed about the new website of The European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, which is now translated into Croatian language. This was a good occasion for the Humane Cosmetics Standard – HCS to be introduced to the public as well.

News and Announcements

– Please read the testimony from sealers who admit that the seal slaughter isn’t and cannot be humane.

– Please give your signature against the transport of sheep for slaughter from New Zealand to Saudi Arabia. This is the new action as part of the ‘Handle with Care’ campaign.

– The fifth meeting of the Croatian Network Against the Abandoning of Animals which more than 40 organisations are members of, as well as civil initiatives and individuals from the field of animal abandoning, took place on April 4. Representatives from the Veterinary Office were also present at the meeting.

– On April 5 we organized a socializing of vegetarian and vegan children and their parents in our office. In the pleasant atmosphere there was a talk about the campaign for the intruduction of vegetarian meals in public institutions, kindergartens and schools especially.

– On April 23 we visited the kindergarden ‘Bajka’ and gave free canvas bags to the children. On April 24 students from the elementary school King Tomislav visited us in our office in order to inquire about the World Day of Animals in Laboratories.

– A public lecture within the framework of the EVU Talks in Zagreb will take place on May 2 in the KIC movie theater at 7 P.M. After the lecture, the intriguing movie ‘Meat the Truth’, which is for many the sequel of Al Gore’s ‘The Inconvenient Truth’, will be shown at 8 P.M.

– On May 7 in Rijeka we are planning an action against the Running of the Bulls and bullfights. The same day in the facility of Molekula we will give a lecture about animal rights, whilst the Abolition gallery will be set up also in Molekula on May 1-7.

– From the new updates section on our web page please check out: the grocery store Earthly on the list of stores, the new photo gallery Australian Wildlife III and new photos in our Campaigns Gallery. On our YouTube channel you can see the first video from the sanctuary for abused animals.

We invite you to join Animal Friends Croatia by becoming our member. Your support is important help in our work for animals. Thank you for helping us in helping those who cannot defend themselves.

Your Animal Friends Croatia