Animalist no. 236

Plant-based Meat and not Insects

We commented on the recent European Commission decision to put insect food products on the market insect food products. We agree that it necessary to drastically reduce animal products because of the climate changes and natural resources consumption, however, seeking alternatives in insects and in larva is trully unnecessary and absurd taking into consideration the vast availability of products of plant-based meat such as pea protein burgers that faithfully imitate the structure and the taste of meat and that are nutritionally very valuable.

More Than 1,200 Animals Neutered in Banija

With a total of 1,203 neutered animals, we successfully completed the project of free castration of cats and dogs in earthquake regions of Sisačko-moslavačka county! Pre-operative and post-operative instructions were given to all guardians of cats and dogs and recovery of every neutered animal was checked. The Project showed a great need and the necessity for financing neutering by local communities.

Where is the queen?

Prompted by the fact that Belje, in the name of the brand Cow Queen – is telling fairytales to the public about how their cows live as royalty, we decided to present the real version of the story through a new campaign „Looking for a Queen”. We pointed out that it is incorrect to call the cows queens and then abduct their children immediately upon birth and kill them after their milk production is reduced about which we edited a shocking video. At the same time, we sent a letter to Belje and asked permission to film the birth and the first calf’s day to allow the public to evaluate whether calves are separated from their mothers and whether such a treatment is royal.

Castration and Marking Protect Dogs from Abandonment

We announced that the City Assembly of Zagreb at its 20th session adopted the Program for Population Control of Abandoned Dogs in the City of Zagreb. We praised this adoption of measures and activities for the purpose of reducing the number of abandoned animals in Zagreb and we especially pointed out the importance of controlling microchipping of dogs and financing castration. Yet two counties have still not fulfilled this legal requirement.

A Praise for Rejecting the Proposal for Urban Beekeeping

At the 20th session of the City Assembly of Zagreb, with full justification and in favor of wild bees and city of Zagreb citizens, the proposal was rejected to allow urban beekeeping in the city of Zagreb. Wild bees in Europe are facing extinction. Solitary bees that hold a key role in pollination and preserving biological diversity are also endangered because most initiatives are focused on honey bees. We appeal for the planting of flowers and plants that attract various types of insects and wild bees and for keeping the ban on placing beehives in cities.

World Spay Day

On the occasion of World Spay Day we asked all to neuter the animals they take care of considering that unwanted propagation of cats and dogs is the main cause for abandoning animals. Castration prevents great suffering and abandonment of animals which in turn creates a huge pressure on local communities, shelters, and animal protection associations. We also wrote to local authority units and ask them to mark the day by promoting it on social media, through education, distribution of leaflets about caretakers’ legal obligations, and by (co)financing neutering.

Flash news

  • We provided a statement about a recent dog attack.
  • We asked the Ministry of Agriculture to order the Croatian Kennel Association to perform a check whether all breeders are in fact registered by the Ministry.
  • We sent a letter to local authority units related to the New Law on Animal Health.
  • We provided an interview about our association and the work.
  • We praised the city of Rijeka for refusing to use horses at the International Carnival Procession.
  • We send a letter to the Ministry regarding the frequent Abandonment of Domestic Animals that people obtain through incentives.
  • We continue to appeal for the necessary Banning of Bottom Trawls and are obtaining signatures for the petition.
  • We sent a letter to all shelters to regularly provide the data into the Unified Information Center and to perform all legal obligations such as neutering and microchipping.
  • We wrote to Local Authority Units about the European Funds through which they can fund the building of shelters.

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Your Animal Friends

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