Animalist no. 178

“I’ve put myself in the hedgehog’s skin. I was thinking about how I would feel if some giants were kicking me like a ball, while I was in pain.” – a young student from Split who helped a hedgehog that children abused.

Myths out for Meatout!

Izgovori za konzumaciju mesa
We celebrated Meatout day on March 20th by preparing 11 most common myths about meat and vegan diet. We shared them with media and on social networks and invited people to spend the day without meat, start a 30-day veggie challenge, or stop eating animals altogether.


Bear Matija doesn’t belong in the ZOO

Spasimo medvjedića Matiju
After a bear cub was found near a road without his mother, and placed in the ZOO for nursing, we sent a letter to the Ministry with a concern about the bear’s future. The bear who was named Matija gained a great sympathy from the public, which expects him to be returned back to nature when older, or if not possible, to a sanctuary. What we agree with is that nobody wants the bear to be left in the ZOO for his own good.


Climate change requires the change of our habits

Prosvjed za klimu
We supported the global student’s initiative, ‘School strike 4 climate’ in Zagreb, where students organized their first strike. The worldwide initiative was started by Greta Thunberg, who is vegan and wishes, amongst other things, to spread the awareness of the huge impact of animal agriculture on the climate. She started a strike, which grew into a movement where students in over 75 countries spent their Fridays on the street with banners. Look at the gallery from the first protest.


Dogs and cats are dying because cities don’t regulate the Law

Ili žmiriš ili si za kastraciju
We have warned the public about the devastating fact that more than 300 cities and municipalities still haven’t harmonized their local regulations with the Animal Protection Act. This is inconceivable, considering that prescribing mandatory sterilization of dogs and cats would result in huge savings in their budgets, as more than 150 municipalities have already realized.


Women in the fight for animal rights

Women’s Day
To mark Women’s Day, we pointed out the connection between the movements for women’s and animal rights. We named a few women that can be credited for changing the way animals are viewed as and treated, such as dr. Jane Goodall, Melanie Joy, Carol J. Adams, Aleksandra Hampamer, and others. Because of the fact that meat, dairy, and egg industries are based on the exploitation of the female reproductive system, and the relationship between a mother and a child, veganism and animal rights movement are an inevitable part of the women’s rights movement.

Food for thought

Dan Richardson and veganism
British actor Dan Richardson released the trailer for his documentary “Food for Thought”, which was partly filmed in Croatia. We are proud that the documentary shows scenes from last year’s ZeGeVege festival, Croatian Veganmania, which will take place in Zagreb, this year in September.


March for the Animals 2019

March for the Animals 2019
We are actively preparing for the upcoming March for the Animals 2019, which will be held on April 13th. We invite everyone who can show their support, and come if they can. We expect this March to be the biggest and loudest so far!


News Flash

  • Animal Protection Network had its stall at the “Vau Weekend” held in one of Zagreb’s shopping centers, with the message: “Love cannot be bought”
  • We took part in numerous meetings with majors and chiefs of municipalities, on taking concrete steps towards reducing the number of stray dogs and cats in their areas.
  • We filed a report against a few people who have been repeatedly using puppies to beg for money for years.
  • The student’s initiative for introducing vegan meals to student cafeterias is still active.
  • Our campaign for the ban of pyrotechnics is ongoing, you can sign the petition here.

Thank you all who helped us with their membership and donation. If you haven’t already, please back us with your donation so we can continue working for animals. Support our work with a standing order, donation, or annual membership fee. Every donation, no matter how small, means a lot to us!

All the best,
Your Animal Friends

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