
AnimaList No 166

“It’s no longer a question whether the killing of animals for food will be banned, but when this regulation will be enforced.” – Josh Tetrick, entrepreneur, speaker and writer

3000 dogs need your help

dogs need your help
Big campaign of spaying/neutering dogs in the Roma settlements of Medimurje County has begun. Now the real overview of the situation is clear and there is still a lot of work ahead to help dogs. Volunteer actions are still ongoing in the animal sanctuary Friends (“Prijatelji”) where everyone’s helping with labor work. Actions will continue until all work is done. Next ones will take place on Saturday, July 21st and Sunday 22nd. Please, let us know if you can join in, first, second or some other day. Be a part of this praiseworthy project and help the dogs.

Why have 10 000 pigs burned?

In June a big blaze took place on the pig farm PIK Vinkovci, considered to be among the most „advanced pig farms in Croatia“. It took hours to extinguish it while 10 000 pigs were dying in agony. Animal Friends Croatia association and 20 other associations from the Animal Protection Network, filed a criminal and misdemeanour charges against PIK Vinkovci, due to a justified suspicion that the farm did not take necessary precautions to protect the lives of pigs and to save as many unfortunate animals from the fire as possible.

The future is without fur farms!

activists in Belgrade
We demonstrated our support for the Serbian Animal Welfare Law by setting up a performance on the main square in Belgrade in June. By carrying empty cages with appropriate slogans on posters, we’ve sent a message of compassion towards animals bred for fur. Animal Friends Croatia supported the implementation of fur farming ban in Serbia beginning January 1, 2019, after the expiration of long transition period.


ZeGeVege festival on September 7th and 8th!

ZeGeVege festival
In the midst of football mania, we’re announcing 11th Croatian Vegamania. All foodies, adventurists, advocates of healthy living, natural cosmetics and everyone else is invited to the 11th ZeGeVege Festival of Sustainable Living! About ten restaurants will offer tasty and rich flavoured vegan dishes, ranging from fast food to traditional meals such as soparnik or strudli.


News Flash

  • We have participated in the workshop “Plan of managing the brown bear in the Republic of Croatia”.
  • We’re working intensely on ZeGeVege festival. New exhibitors have been confirmed.
  • Famous Serbian singer Jelena Karleusa appeared in PETA’s campaign against fur.
  • Meeting of Animal Protection Network took place and new plans were made to make membership associations even more strongly connected.
  • We have supported a protest against the circuses which are breaking the Animal Protection Act, and we continue to promote animal-free circuses.
  • We have supported a Vegan thugz campaign on veganism by helping raise billboards.
  • We have visited the animal sanctuary “Blue cross greenfarm animal sanctuary”, and helped by working on the estate.
  • We’ve supported Earthling Experience which was organized by Zagreb Animal Save initiative.
  • We have attended Veganmania in Osijek.
  • We have participated in a forum as part of a campaign against the use of plastic bags and plastics in general.
  • We’ve sent a letter to all cities and municipalities asking about the progress with the Animal Protection Acts’ implementation.
  • We are looking for volunteers and employees for office work so if you like our work and want to be a part of the team, let us know!

  • We believe you are satisfied with our activities over the past few weeks. Many more activities await us, mostly connected to the implementation of the new Animal Protection Act. So we’re kindly asking for your support by standing order, donation or paying a yearly membership.

    Thank you,
    your Animal Friends Croatia

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