“Mankind’s true moral test, its fundamental test, consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect mankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it.” – Milan Kundera, writer
Become a Vegan for Yourself!
On the occasion of World Health Day on April 7th, we pointed out the advantages of veganism for each of us individually and health of whole human community. Vegan diet can advance the health of all humans and ensure health benefits in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.
Solving Causes, not the Consequences!
30 member associations of Animal protection network gave their support to implementation of mandatory permanent sterilization (spaying/neutering) as measure prescribed in the Animal Protection Act. They also called upon veterinary institutions to join in solving the cause of problem.
Veterinarians for spaying/neutering of cats and dogs
Department of small animal veterinarian practices of Croatia (OVMPH) within Croatian Veterinary Chamber, have their support to legal possibility of prescribing the mandatory permanent sterilization (spaying/neutering). OVMPH pointed out that new Animal Protection Act brought many advances and call upon their implementation.
Mia Dimsic does not look away from injustice
Musician from Osijek made a video, supporting the campaign “Don’t turn a blind eye, castrate”. She gave her voice to abandoned animals and together with dogs from Osijek’s animal shelter Pobjede called upon everyone to support the campaign for prescribing permanent sterilization and choosing adoption instead of buying animals.
Necessary Coexistence With Wild Animals
We have sent a letter to city Djurdjevec explaining that problem of overpopulation of crows can and should be solved in a humane and non-violent way. Prescribed program should regulate the coexistence with wild animals.
Flash news
- We are preparing action for abandoned animals and asking everyone who can help by taking part in performance “Don’t turn a blind eye, castrate” to let us know as soon as possible.
- We are continuing with intensive activities on implementation of Animal Protection Act. Many meetings have been held in various Croatian cities and meetings of committees for changes in legislation about animal protection.
Ever since the new Animal Protection Act entered into force, there is plenty of persistent work on its implementation ahead of us. You can help us make it possible to succeed by donating or paying the annual membership. Please recognize this moment and find out here how you can help.
Thank you!
Your Animal Friends Croatia
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