10 razloga za 10 godina ZeGeVegea

AnimaList No 152

“The transition to veganism is definitely the best decision I’ve made, and I enjoy the daily knowledge that no conscious and sensory living being is hurt because of my taste buds. Apart from the enormous health benefits of such a diet, it flatters everyone to have a gentle spirit and clear conscience. Veganism indeed looks good on everyone.” – Ana Laura Kapetanovic

10 Reasons for 10 Years of ZeGeVege Festival

10 razloga za 10 godina ZeGeVegea
A week before ZeGeVege Festival, 10 activists showed why veganism is beneficial to everyone. Passers-by at Ban Jelacic Square in Zagreb were able to taste delicious vegan cakes from Graškić and Mrkvić mascots and hangout with activists. The atmosphere, which you can see from the photos, was as great as it will be at the jubilee ZeGeVege festival on Friday September 8th and Saturday September 9th at Ban Jelačić Square, where everyone can expect to see many interesting things. Do not miss the 10th Croatian Veganmania. 🙂


And vegan pizza is good for everyone!

veganska pizza
We’ve announced the addition of one pizzeria and seven more restaurants at the largest vegan festival in this part of Europe, the ZeGeVege Festival, which will offer a hundred exhibitions of delicious gourmet selections. In addition to good salty cuisine, ice creams and desserts, along with tastings and promotions, there will be ecological products and vegan cosmetics, plus an excellent program of lectures and workshops on Friday and Saturday that’s already drawing attention.


The responsibility of a dog caretaker

In cooperation with the Association of Cities, we made an informative leaflet on the legal obligations of dog caregivers and freely offered it to all communities and cities to print and distribute to their citizens. Due to too little response, we sent an additional letter asking them to take advantage of this opportunity to inform citizens of the content of the leaflet and the high penalties prescribed for non-compliance with legal obligations. We’re also calling everybody willing to volunteer to help by encouraging this compliance in their local communities.

Petition against over-vaccination

Peticija protiv precestog cijepljenja
Encouraged by frequent citizen inquiries about the needlessness of vaccinating dogs against rabies every year, we have launched a petition to adapt this legal obligation with the vaccine manufacturer’s instructions. The petition requires a systematic and rigorous control of obligatory vaccination and microchipping by local communities and utility clerks, veterinary inspectors and veterinarians to avoid a situation where as many as 30 percent of caregivers never visited a vet, and as a result, their dogs never received vaccines. We ask all to sign and share the petition because each signature is precious.

News Flash

  • We have sent comments to the public Consultation of the National Strategy for the Implementation of the School Scheme of the Republic of Croatia from the School Year 2017/2018 till 2022/20, emphasizing the harmfulness of milk consumption and the need to respect the diet of vegan children, for whom there are currently no adequate meals in public institutions.
  • We supported a rescue of guinea pigs, launched by the nonprofit organisation Mrkvica, after the discovery of a large number of animals from uncontrolled, illegal breeding. We are inviting everyone not to buy animals, but instead to foster those who need care, such as these 40 guinea pigs.
  • Read an interview with Luka Oman, the president of Animal Friends Association, in which he talks about the mission of promoting nonviolence and a world without animal exploitation.
  • Read an interview with Helmut Frenzl, CEO at SPAR and General Sponsor of the ZeGeVege Festival.
  • We supported the announcement of the IFEEL GOOD TOUR for a healthy life and animal aid which is going to be held at European capitals, from October 19th to December 19th, 2017.
  • New on the web
    a) Ivana Plechinger and Ne-Yo on a list of famous vegetarians and vegans
    b) Ayurveda approach for a healthy life association at White list
    c) Lifeneergy is a new legal member

    Thank you for your support, membership and regular following and participation in our activities. A special thanks to all volunteers and activists who will be involved in organizing the 10th Jubilee ZeGeVege Festival, as well as those who have not yet signed up but are planning to help.

    See you,
    Your Animal Friends

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