AnimaList No. 114
“I believe that the highest form of humanity is to give a voice to those who don’t have one. This is why taking part in this Animal Friends’ campaign is an honor for me, but also a natural continuation of my life philosophy: love and compassion towards people, animals and our whole little blue planet.” – Darijo Brzoja, a young Croatian meteorologist and popular presenter of weather forecast for “Summer Goes, Friends Stay” campaign
Darijo Brzoja Against Animal Abandoning
Darijo Brzoja is the new face of our campaign aganist animal abandoning. With a dog named Indie from the Shelter for Abandoned Animals, the popular meteorologist and weather forcast presenter sent a message: “Summer Goes, Friends Stay”. Darijo follows a vegan lifestyle, while participating in this campaign he also calls for adoption of abandoned animals.
China Closer Towards Ending Animal Testing
For Day of Fighting Animal Experiments on July 21, which marks the anniversary of the liberation of beagles who were tested on at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb, we welcomed China’s first step towards ending animal testing. Namely, as of this month it is no longer legaly mandated to test cosmetics, parfumes and skin, hair and nail care products manufactured and sold in China. Croatian White List of companies which do not test on animals please check here.
News Flash
– We published photos about the horrible condition of horses of the Equestrian Club Equus Cabalus who suffer for years there, or more precisely since our report of the equestrian club was sent to the veterinary inspection at the beginning of 2009.
– We sent a letter to the mayor of Koprivnica about the problems at the dog shelter “Ottova kucica,” which is owned by the veterinary station Koprivnica. You can see how bad the living conditions are for the dogs by clicking here for photos.
– We wrote to the mayor of Rijeka regarding care for abandoned animals in Rijeka, giving him support for building a no-kill shelter.
– We publicly condemned two cases of cruelty to animals – the dog hung on a fence in Slavonski Brod and the dog with a cut throat in Mejasi – mentioning that penalties should be higher, while also emphasizing that law enforcement is critically important in situations like these.
– We also reacted to the constant complaints about the killing of homeless animals in Pokupsko Cerje.
– We sent a letter to elected Croatian MEPs, inviting them to improve animal welfare.
– We were pleased to visit the promotion of a vegan salami with olives, a new vegetarian product which will carry the V-Label on its packaging.
– Also this year we were at Veganmania in Vienna and Graz, gathering experience for Veganmania in Zagreb – the seventh large ZeGeVege Festival. Organizing of the ZeGeVege Festival is in full swing so we invite you to check the list of 40 exhibitors, more than 20 performers, 15 media sponsors and 11 received supports for this year’s festival so far.
– We invite you to read accounts of support for our Green Monday campaing that we have received from Croatian nutritionists and public figures.
– A free spay/neutering program has been successfully implemented, and we are trying to help as many animals in this way. We hereby thank all the veterinarians who support the program.
– From our web’s news section:
a) Proposal to Supplement the Curriculum of Civic Education
b) CannaBio and Herbio abd Herbia Puls on the White List of companies which do not test on animals
c) Greencajg on the list of health food stores
d) Vege Lege in Osijek on the list of veggie restaurants
e) Morrissey – “The Bullfighter Dies” in the Video Clips
– If you still haven’t, please check out the photo gallery of rescued animals in Gunja as well as the beautiful photos of rescued chickens – who are already grown-up hens – Sasha and Vanja and a piglet rescued through the Association Victories.
– There is a new video on our YouTube channel – Paul Mitchell and Cruelty Free International about testing of cosmetics in China.
– In our web catalog we have new T-shirts and a fragrant vegan ZeGeVege soap produced for us by Sapunoteka. Please also check canvas bags and T-shirts on sale for our members.
To conclude this newsletter, we once more invite you to become our member and thank all of you who follow our activities and help us in many ways by taking advantage of the many member discounts and paying your membership fee, or by donating to us when we ask for your help.
We wish you lots of sun, and a pleasant and warm summer.