veganstvo svima dobro stoji - ZeGeVege festival

AnimaList No 151

“Veganism can open up new horizons and make our diets healthier and more diverse while also helping the environment and the animals. So give in to your curiosity and use every opportunity you can to make your life more interesting and compassionate with vegan dishes and products.” – Igor Barberic, Croatian director and choreographer

Join us for the 10th ZeGeVege Festival!

ZeGeVege festival
Visiting Zagreb on September 8th and 9th is a must, because that’s when the 10th installment of the ZeGeVege Festival is taking place! This two-day vegan feast, organized as part of the international Veganmania festival, is open to all visitors. Over a hundred entrepreneurs will be offering a variety of foods and products, and a number of presenters and dance groups will be gathering just for you. Check out the promo clip and come say hello!


Hunting Bill up for public debate!

ubijena kujica Korina
The Croatian Ministry of Agriculture has once again listened to the will of people! After the public debate of 2015 and a countrywide protest against the killing of dogs and cats on hunting grounds and the introduction of bowhunting, a new Hunting Bill now includes a ban on both! Find out more about our other demands and the results we are hoping to achieve after the new public debate.


Explosive Substances Act

Preplašeni pas
After a years-long campaign against the use of festive firecrackers, we were finally able to make some progress! The new Act on Explosive Substances and Production and Traffic of Firearms will include a ban on the supply and use of category F3 firecrackers and bandoleers, as well as the use of pyrotechnic articles of categories F4, P1, P2, T1, and T2 for personal purposes. The use of pyrotechnic articles of categories F2, F3, T1, and P1 is banned in indoor areas and gathering places destined for large groups of people. It is also illegal for persons under the age of 18 to buy and use pyrotechnic articles of categories F2 and F3. These amendments are just the first steps towards our goal, which is a permanent, year-round ban on the supply and use of pyrotechnic articles of categories F2 and F3.

Veganism looks good on everyone

Veganstvo svima dobro stoji
If you don’t believe this theory, test it out at this year’s ZeGeVege festival! As an introduction to this international event, Croatian model Ana Laura Kapetanović did a photo-shoot in a beautiful vegetable dress by Đurđica Vorkapić, Croatian designer and owner of the HIPPY GARDEN brand. Check out what they had to say on the event and how good the jumbo-size posters look.


News flash

  • We reported a case of animal abuse involving a dog being thrown out of a 6th floor apartment in Kutina, which resulted in the animal’s death. We also reported to the authorities the case of five piglets who have been enclosed in an old van for the last two months. The police informed us that they have sent a veterinary inspection to investigate the case.
  • Once again, we warned about the entrapment of wildlife in various “zoo-prisons” all over Croatia, reporting the “Anita” catering establishment in Zaton Obrovački to the Ministry of Agriculture. Thanks to a fast and commendable reaction of the veterinary inspection, the animals will no longer be exposed to visitors and the ill ostrich and crane will be properly treated. We also hope further action will be taken.
  • We sent a letter to all counties, cities, and municipalities offering free use of our visual campaign “Family to the beach, dog to the streets?”, which aims to spread awareness of the mandatory microchipping of dogs. The letter also includes a draft of the leaflet on the legal obligations of dog owners, which is to be printed and distributed to all citizens, along with the public utility charges bill or in some other way.
  • Czech president Miloš Zeman signed an amendment to the Czech Animal Protection Act banning fur farming in the Czech Republic! The ban on fur farming should also come into effect in Bosnia and Herzegovina next year, while Serbia will follow in 2019.
  • New on the Web:
    a) New bearers of the European V-Label: Termo-pak, Zdrava navika, Protect Pharma.

  • We would like to thank everyone for their much-needed support, membership and continuous participation in our activities. Enjoy the summer, but don’t get into any mischief, now! We need you safe and sound at the ZeGeVege Festival! 😀

    Yours truly,
    Animal Friends Croatia

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