AnimaList No 145
Ban on chinchilla fur farming
The Croatian ban on fur farming, which was introduced in the 2006 Animal Protection Act, has become effective as of January 1, 2017. This ban is a product of a laborious battle fought by Croatian citizens, institutions, and organizations throughout a long 10-year phase-out period. We would like to thank everyone who helped us achieve this great victory for animals as well as people. Nowadays, with the abundance of warm materials to choose from, animal fur and the resulting inhumane treatment of animals are simply unnecessary. Croatian Minister of Agriculture Tomislav Tolušić received a thank-you cake from our organization, as well as a thank-you letter from Sharon Osbourne!All Croatian shelters to become no-kill
At a meeting held at the Ministry of Agriculture and attended by our organization, the representatives of several no-kill shelters, and the Veterinary Office, the Minister of Agriculture decided that all Croatian shelters will become no-kill! With this remarkable decision, supported by over 90% of Croatian citizens, the ban on killing abandoned dogs in shelters will become part of the new Animal Protection Act, outlawing the current provision which allows putting down dogs after 60 days in a shelter. He also announced more rigorous microchipping checks and a supervision of the local governments’ cooperation in the implementation of the new Act.x
50,000 new vegans in January
One of the most positive decisions you can make is to join the growing global movement and take part in the popular Veggie Challenge. Just last year, over 1,000 Croats joined the campaign. By applying, you get a daily e-mail with recipes and information about plant-based products and the vegan diet over the next 30 days. Similar projects, such as the globally-known Veganuary, are responsible for improving thousands of lives. The number of people who have pledged to go vegan in January as part of the Veganuary campaign has reached a record figure of 50,000.x
Safer dog transport on ferries
After receiving multiple complaints about the transport of animals on the Krilo Carbo ferry, our organization sent a letter to the MB Kapetan Luka TP company which owns the vessel. Animals are transported in tiny crates located on deck so they arrive at the destination frightened and cold, despite the availability of other, more convenient spaces, which could shelter animals from adverse weather conditions. The company also received a City of Zagreb provision stating that house animals accompanied by their caregivers are welcome on public transport.x+
Hold Me Tight
We paid a visit to a dog shelter run by the Pobjede Association from Osijek in order to help promote the Hold Me Tight wall calendar, featuring photos of 13 doggy stars who all share the same past: before having been rescued, they’d spent their lives in chains. Stories featured in the calendar are part of the “For Croatia Without Tethered Dogs” campaign. In the 2015 Decision on the conditions and manners of keeping pets and treatment of abandoned and lost animals, the City of Zagreb banned keeping dogs on a leash or in an enclosed space for prolonged periods of time. The City of Osijek promised to do the same, and the new Animal Protection Act will soon ensure the implementation of this rule on the national level.x
Flash News Summary
- We took part in the Go Palm Oil Free challenge, ongoing till the end of February. Join and get simple recipes for palm oil-free vegan dishes, learn about palm oil-fee beauty and cleaning products, and find out why people are choosing to go vegan as well as palm oil-free!
- At The Bestest Campaigns of 2016 awards, organized by the Brodoto agency, we presented our “Let’s Extinguish Irresponsibility” and “Chinchillas Rule!” campaigns, which made it to the finals.
- We responded to a grossly inappropriate promotion of a butcher shop, which shocked many Croatian citizens.
- We held a promotion of the 2017 calendar entitled “Don’t Buy, Adopt!”. The calendar was made with the goal of helping abandoned dogs, as part of the Regica Foundation. Get your copy at the MoFit fitness center, the Budi Velik shop, and all Polleo Sport stores in Zagreb.
- We took actions regarding a viral video with shocking footage from the flesh industry
- Parents often ask for recommendations of a vegan-friendly kindergarten, so we sent inquiries to all kindergartens in Zagreb, asking how they help parents who want vegan meals for their children.
- We sent a letter to the City of Dubrovnik, demanding they fulfill their legal obligation and found a city shelter.
- We held a meeting with Greenpeace Croatia on the issue of plastic bags and plastics. We also met with Green Action to discuss the Green Monday campaign and the impact of food on the environment.
- New on the Web:
a) Update of the Top 10 Good and Bad Guys
b) New video subbed in Croatian – “Dairy is scary!”
c) New recipes featured on our front page
d) New article: Why veganism is good for children.
Visit our Facebook page and YouTube channel to get up-to-date with our newest activities. Become a member and get actively involved in the promotion of animal rights!
We are thankful for your help, membership, and participation in our activities, as well as any other type of support.
Your Animal Friends Croatia