AnimaList No. 108

‘Animal cruelty is one of the most unfortunate and barbaric demonstrations of human beings manipulating ill conceived notions of ‘power’ over other species. There is a lot we can do to fight this. (…) A lot of influence can be made too by setting a good example of what reverence for life should look like.’ – Ian Somerhalder

Our Environment is Paying for the Free Bag

We contacted the Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection and minister Zmajlovic with the request to meet regarding measures that would solve the problem of the ongoing use of plastic bags that have an adverse effect on the environment and animals, and to discuss our inquiry for a ban of the same.

A Fight for the Rights of the Oppressed Majority

On the International Animal Rights Day we asked our fellow citizens to do a good deed for non-human animals, for which they will receive a Gift of Goodness. On this occasion we published Damien Mander’s TEDx lecture “Modern Warrior” on our YouTube channel.

Best New Year’s Resolution

With entering into a New Year we invited to a tangible step towards a more peaceful world by making a New Year’s resolutions which will save lives and the planet, listing the examples of good reasons for doing this.

News Flash

  • We requested a thorough investigation of the case of 46 dead dogs found in the shelter of the association Astor in Zagreb and condemned both legal and illegal killing of animals.
  • We sent a letter to the mayor of Split regarding the issue of the Split Zoo, also called the “horror zoo” and a shelter for abandoned animals which Split still does not have.
  • We wrote to the mayor of Slunj objecting to the limiting the number of companion animals in Slunj households.
  • We realized collaboration with the University of Applied Health Studies in Zagreb which will support our Green Monday campaign and other projects we have with lectures, talks and visits.
  • We participated in the meeting of the Comission for Animal Protection – Department of animals for production purposes which is run by the Mnistry of Agriculture and we are a member of, and stated there our requests for legislation changes regarding the most abused animals.
  • We held a lecture on the vegan diet and sustainable lifestyle proir to the concert for the Animal protection association Mili in Zagreb.
  • Our representative met Croatian MEP Sandra Petrović Jakovina in the European Parliament in Brussels during a lobby round of the Eurogroup for Animals.
  • During the shooting for an article in the Croatian Jutarnji list newspaper we remembered the rescued beagles from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb
  • From our web’s news section:
    a) Zoo Amazona on the Black List of Pet Stores
    b) Martina Felja is on the list of Fur Free Retailers
    c) is on the list of Health Food Stores
    d) 100% Pure, Hurraw!, Stambuk’s, and Kiss My Face is on the Croatian White List
    e) Almost Home by Moby can be viewed in the Video Clips section

If you think that during this year we have earned your trust and you decided that you would like to support us next year too, your membership, donations or purchase of calendars or other items from our web catalog are only some of the ways you can do it and thus help us in reaching further success for the animals and the common good.

Thank you all for your kind support and loyalty. Accept our sincere thanks with best wishes for 2014!

Your Animal Friends Croatia