AnimaList No. 87

‘Every living being has received life as a gift and it is extremely inhumane that people should be allowed to take the lives of innocent animals and their right to live, simply because they find it amusing or for another selfish reasons.’ – Kristina Vilk, Miss sport Croatia

Success of the 4th Green Vegan ZeGeVege Festival of Sustainable Living!

More than 20 performers and 50 exhibitors presented themselves on this year’s ZeGeVege Festival We handed out 17,000 brochures and 25-30,000 people visited the festival! The Croatian president Ivo Josipovic and Zagreb mayor Milan Bandic supported the ZeGeVege festival, while Heather Mills was our special guest. We thank everyone who announced, visited or supported the ZeGeVege Festival in any way, and we also thank those who took part in our Veggie challenge! Photos from the festival can be seen in the gallery on our web site , while other photos are available at our official facebook page ZeGeVege Festival 2011 .

World Vegan Day

For the first time this year we marked World Vegan Day (Nov 1) in Zagreb, Croatia. On Oct 28 we had an evening open-air video projection ”Making the Connection” while on Oct 29 we offered a tasting of oat-, rice-, soya- and almond milk. This day was initiated in 1994 by Louise Wallis, the then President of the British Vegan Society.

Hunt Results, Not Animals

The atractive Miss Sport Croatia, Kristina Vilk, joined our campaign for the animal victims of hunt ”Hunt Results, Not Animals”. Ads with beautiful Miss and runner for the Athletic Club Agram are placed in ten Croatian towns. We also printed postcards for this occasion.

Beat Diabetes with a Vegan Diet

In collaboration with the association for the promotion of civil society Z.O.V. from the Croatian town near Zagreb Zapresic, we marked World Diabetes Day launching a project about the impact of the vegan diet on the prevention and curing of diabetes. The press conference and info stall were held on Nov 14, while on Nov 24 we plan a cooking workshop with plant-based food, adjusted for diabetics.

News Flash

This time too we invite you to become our member, donate, support our work by buying from our web catalog, follow us on facebook, twitter and YouTube by clicking on the image in the left column.

Thank you for reading us and supporting our work!

Animal Friends Croatia